Together, we create! Together, we transform! Together, we empower! Together, we inspire! Together, we connect! Together, we grow! Together, we create! Together, we transform! Together, we empower! Together, we inspire! Together, we connect! Together, we grow! Together, we create! Together, we transform! Together, we empower! Together, we inspire! Together, we connect! Together, we grow!




Spoj ljudske kreativnosti i mašinske efikasnosti

Tehnologija se menja svakodnevno. AI je postao centralni deo te promene. U svakom uglu industrije, naročito u marketingu, AI ostavlja trag. Dok neki tvrde “AI će preuzeti sve”, stvarnost je drugačija. Da, AI ubrzava i automatizuje, ali je samo alat u našim rukama. Pomislimo na ljudsku intuiciju, kreativnost, empatiju – sve to je nezamenjivo. Bez obzira na sve inovacije, ljudski dodir i razumevanje ostaju esencijalni.

Pogledajmo marketing kao primer. Tu AI alati kao ChatGPT dolaze do izražaja. Unosimo kriterijume i dobijamo reklamne ideje u sekundi. Ali, to ne znači da je ljudska kreativnost zastarela. Naprotiv. AI nam pomaže da oslobodimo više vremena za strategiju, brainstorming i inovacije. Testiramo različite pristupe, brže donosimo odluke, ispravljamo greške. U kombinaciji sa ljudskim dodirom, AI postaje ne samo koristan, već i revolucionaran za industriju.

U nastavku, demonstriraćemo moć ChatGPT-a u praksi – kako ovaj AI alat može brzo i efikasno da generiše predloge TVC-a na osnovu zadatih kriterijuma.

Creating Effective Ad Copy ChatGPT Promt:

Can you provide examples of effective ad copy based on the below criteria?

Product: Zdravoljub Cream by Imlek
Zdravoljub Cream is a delightful dessert product by the company Imlek. Primarily aimed at children, it’s a treat that many adults cherish too. This dessert comprises multiple layers:
• Chocolate Cream Layer: A rich, smooth chocolate cream delivering an intense chocolate flavor.
• Milky Cream Layer: A creamy, velvety milk layer that complements the chocolate perfectly.

Packaged in convenient small cups, it’s perfect for snacking on the go, as a school lunch treat, or an after-dinner dessert. The combination of milk and chocolate makes Zdravoljub kids cream a creamy dream for those who crave a sweet delight.

Language: Serbian
Duration: 30 seconds
Value: Care & nurture with joy
Personality: Fun and caring
Insight: I want to be sure that my child will grow healthy, and that for him/her discovering life will be full of pleasure, happiness and fun.
Reasons to believe:
Enriched with calcium and vitamin D, rich in proteins from milk Imlek’s dairy expertise.
Emotional benefit: I am a good mother – I know that my child will grow healthy and happy.
Rational benefit: I offer to my child the healthiest nutriments it needs, and at the same time the best taste and fun that he/she enjoys.
Frame of reference: Kids dairy products (flavoured milk, fruit yoghurts, duo creams).
Target: Mothers of kids 2-6 years, open minded and deeply engaged in caring for their child’s health.
Slogan: Grow happily, eat deliciously! Zdravoljub krem

Za Marketing mreža magazin teksta napisao:
Jovan Bugarčić, Marketing Director, Imlek

foto by Vladimir Milivojević Boogie




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